Maximizing incentives,
minimizing hassle
KEM works hard to achieve successful outcomes for all parties, including the utility programs themselves. Maximizing claimed energy savings for our utility partners is just as important as maximizing incentive dollars for our clients. To date, we have helped achieve over 340 GWh of savings for utility programs across the country.
What KEM brings to your program:
Clear understanding of TRM-driven kWh and kW savings calculations and their implications on incentive valuations
Active engagement with TRM Review processes as a means of sharing industry-specific expertise
Continual monitoring of the shifting baseline landscape
Innovative approaches to savings calculations that leverage existing measures
Extensive experience dialoging with implementors and evaluators, especially in unique and uncommon scenarios
Assisting implementors with program design for indoor ag facilities
Understanding the nuances of cap restrictions based on project cost, measure cost, incremental cost, etc.
Participating in ASHRAE 90.1 Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Working Group
Incredible Energy Savings
Through our work with utilities across 21 states, we have reduced energy use by more than 340 gWh, which means reducing the greenhouse gasses required to generate that amount of power. Here are some equivalencies to demonstrate the breadth of our energy savings for customers and utilities: